Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Epigenetics and Epilepsy

"Epilepsy is a chronic disorder, the hallmark of which is recurrent, unprovoked seizures (...) The human brain is the source of human epilepsy. Although the symptoms of a seizure may affect any part of the body, the electrical events that produce the symptoms occur in the brain. The location of that event, how it spreads and how much of the brain is affected, and how long it lasts all have profound effects. These factors determine the character of a seizure and its impact on the individual. Essentially, anything the brain can do, it can do in the form of a seizure." (Sirven, 2014)

The following link introduces a peer-reviewed paper about the chronic disorder: 

Epigenetics and epilepsy by Avtar Roopra, Raymond Dingledine & Jenny Hsieh

For more information about Epilepsy, the Epilepsy Foundation is there to help!


  1. "Essentially, anything the brain can do, it can do in the form of a seizure." ¿Cuándo se menciona esta frase a que se refiere específicamente?

    1. Saludos, Danny Rivera. La frase explica que los eventos eléctricos que ocurren en el cerebro en el caso de la epilepsia, se manifiestan a través de convulsiones. La intensidad o duración de éstas, representa el efecto de estas corrientes.

      Greetings, Danny Rivera. The phrase explains that electrical events that occur in the brain in the case of epilepsy, manifest through convulsions. The intensity or duration of these, represents the effect of these currents.

      For more information,

  2. Se menciona que la epilepsia puede tener efectos profundos, ¿cuáles podrían ser esos efectos?

    1. Saludos, Janeishly Román. Entre los efectos profundos de la epilepsia se encuentran convulsiones, depresión, latidos cardíacos anormales, dolores de cabeza, dificultad para respirar, pérdida de conciencia, pérdida de tono muscular, pérdida de control sobre los intenstinos o vejiga, entre otros.

      Greetings, Janeishly Roman. Among the profound effects of epilepsy are seizures, depression, abnormal heartbeat, headaches, shortness of breath, loss of consciousness, loss of muscle tone, loss of control over the bowels or bladder, among others.

      For more information,

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Existe alguna enfermedad que en efecto se considere este relacionada con la epilepsia?

  5. Existe alguna enfermedad que en efecto se considere este relacionada con la epilepsia?

  6. Juan Carlos Vazquez LopezNovember 25, 2016 at 5:17 AM

    During epilepsy, are the electrical impulses in the brain always increased or can they be slower than normal and still have an epileptic effect?


Any comments or questions?