Wednesday, October 26, 2016


Epigenetics and Epilepsy

"Epilepsy is a chronic disorder, the hallmark of which is recurrent, unprovoked seizures (...) The human brain is the source of human epilepsy. Although the symptoms of a seizure may affect any part of the body, the electrical events that produce the symptoms occur in the brain. The location of that event, how it spreads and how much of the brain is affected, and how long it lasts all have profound effects. These factors determine the character of a seizure and its impact on the individual. Essentially, anything the brain can do, it can do in the form of a seizure." (Sirven, 2014)

The following link introduces a peer-reviewed paper about the chronic disorder: 

Epigenetics and epilepsy by Avtar Roopra, Raymond Dingledine & Jenny Hsieh

For more information about Epilepsy, the Epilepsy Foundation is there to help!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Photo of the Day

Epigenetics Glossary of Terms

It is very important to understand some of the concepts used highly in the epigenetics field. Some of them are presented in the following link:

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Coming up...

First Quiz!

It's easy to access, just by clicking the following link:

Epigenetics: A Primer

Photo and information taken from:

Sunday, October 9, 2016

The Histone Code

     First, it is important to start with the basics of DNA organization. The eukaryotic genome is organized in what is known as a nucleosome, the first level of condensation. The nucleosome is composed of 147 base pairs of negatively-charged DNA wrapped twice around an octamer of positively-charged proteins called histones. It consists of two H2A and H2B dimers, and a H3 and H4 tetramer. The nucleosomes are separated by 1,016 base pairs (bp) of  DNA called "linker DNA'',  which constitutes an arrangement referred to as ''beads on a string'', that is around 10nm in diameter. DNA can be further condensed at different points during the cell cycle, forming a 30nm chromatin fiber composed of packed nucleosomes using the histone H1, which binds to the linker DNA. These 30nm fibers can form scaffolds and further condense until chromosomes are formed, which are the highest form of DNA organization within a cell.

     Histones have very dynamic N-terminal ''tails'' extending from the surface of the nucleosome that are rich in basic amino acids. These tails can be modified by post-translational modifications (PTM's) catalyzed by a variety of enzymes, by adding either methyl, acetyl or phosphoryl groups. Aditionally, lysines can be mono, di or tri-methylated, while arginine can accept up to two methyl groups which adds to the complexity.  Methylation of DNA at cytosine residues, as well as PTMs of histones, including phosphorylation, acetylation, methylation and ubiquitylation, contributes to the epigenetic information carried by chromatin. These changes play an important role in the regulation of gene expression by modulating the access of regulatory factors to the DNA. Many modification sites are close enough to each other and it seems that modification of histone tails by one enzyme might influence the rate and efficiency at which other enzymes use the newly modified tails as a substrate.
These modifications seem to be part of a complex scheme where distinct histone modifications act in a sequential manner or in combination to form a “histone code”, read by other proteins to control the structure and/or function of the chromatin fiber.

"The different histone modifications act either in a sequential manner or in combination to form a “histone code",  which is read by other proteins to bring about the specific biological events."


The so-called histone code is established and maintained by post-translational writers, which are the enzymes that modify the histones post translationally. These modifications can be "read" by post-translational readers, which are the motifs that recognize the histones based on their modification state. Modifications of histones, give signals that are recognized by specific binding proteins, or ''readers'' which can influence gene expression and chromatid organization. Examples of readers will be discussed later on.

     One example of writers are histone acetyltransferases (HATs) and histone deacetylases (HDAC's), responsible for the addition and removal of acetyl groups, respectively. On the other hand, methylation is carried out by histone methyltransferases (HMTs), divided in two classes: K-HMT if it methylates lysine, or arginine (R-HMT). Methylation is a stable modification, unlike acetylation and phosphorylation, which makes it an ideal mark for long-term maintenance of chromatin structure. The existence of histone demethylases (HDMTs, or DNMTs) that counteract the methylations of histones in the cell is unclear. Phosphorylation of histones H1 and H3 is known to  play important roles in both transcriptional regulation and  mitosis, and it has been found that ubiquitination is critical in mitotic and meiotic growth. Finally, biotinylation is a new PTM of histones that has been identified, carried out by biotinidase and holocarboxylase synthetase (HCS).

     The acetylation of lysine weakens the DNA-histone interactions, destabilizing the nucleosome by making it less positively charged. This results in DNA that is more weakly bound to the nucleosome, facilitating the binding of transcription factors to DNA. But histone marks by themselves may not alter the nucleosomal dynamics, which might be brought on by binding of further non-histone proteins.

    While hyperacetylation is linked to gene expression, deacetylation can be related to silencing. Methylation is not as straight-forward, as H3-K9 (histone 3, lysine 9) and can be associated to inactive genes. However. H3-K4 methylation is seen in both active and silenced regions, since trimethylation is specific for active state of transcription, whereas dimethylated K4 exists in both active and repressive genes. The site and the number of methyl groups are both important for biological consequences of these modifications. Additionally, in mammals, DNA methylation is controlled by DNMT1, DNMT3a and DNMT3b enzymes. DNMT1 is involved in de novo methylation, while DNMT3a and DNMT3b are linked to the maintenance of methylation.

''Modified histone tails provide recognition sites for factors involved in either the activation or repression of gene expression.''

     Errors in PTMs of histones and other epigenetic marks may be involved in diseases, which is why it's critical to understand these modifications, as it promises new ways to treat several diseases. Certain modifications can either promote, limit, or have no effect on the depositions of other modifications. The combination of these can regulate in a direct or indirect manner, the state of chromatin organization and gene expression.

More information about the histone code, the following article can help:

Munshi, A., Shafi, G., Aliya, N., & Jyothy, A. (2009). Histone modifications dictate specific biological readouts. Journal of Genetics and Genomics36(2), 75-88.

It can be downloaded from:

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Things to know

"The lifestyle choices you make today affect not only you but also your children and grandchildren. In other words, each of us has far greater responsibility than we ever imagined!" (Dr. Frank Lipman, 2016),f_auto,ar_3:2,c_fill/!/image/490011200.jpg

From DNA to proteins

Photo of the Day: The Art of Epigenetics

Epigenetics: How does it work?

Why hasn't Epigenetics been heard before? It is probably because it wasn't detected until recently and also because it is a field still in discovery. Epigenetics does not alter the sequence of DNA, so how is it heritable? The epigenetic modifications are the mechanisms by which most living beings are different. These include DNA methylations (or addition of a methyl group); post-translational histone modifications, such as methylation, acetylation, ubiquitination and phosphorylation; chromatin remodeling; histone variants and noncoding RNAs. These concepts will be introduced very soon, but first it is really important to understand what histones are, how are they related to DNA and the processes involved in the formation of proteins from DNA.

For more more informations about histones: